Tenniel's Jabberwocky

Glorious Nonsense

Jabberwocky, of course, is a poem from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. Despite the Alice books being often thought of as children's books, I didn't get around to reading them until I was 22. When I did, I was spellbound.

I was reading away, with quiet enjoyment, when I came across Jabberwocky. I read it, paused, and read it again. Pondered for a while, then read it again. Jabberwocky beautifully skates the thin edge of being understood and being nonsense. But such glorious nonsense! As Alice put it,

"It seems very pretty," she said when she had finished it, "but it's rather hard to understand!" (You see she didn't like to confess even to herself, that she couldn't make it out at all.) "Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas--only I don't exactly know what they are! However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate---"

Jabberwockies seem to pop up all over the place...

...in print... ...in my email... ...on the big screen... ...on the little screen... ...on stage... ...in schools... ...in translation... ...in stores... ...in art... ...in games... ...in sports... ...on vacation... ...in food... ...in song... ...as pets... ...hopefully NOT on your disks... ...on FidoNet... ...even on the net... ...hey! You forgot one!

Back to Jabberwocky where the photography and other fun stuff is.

...in print...

...in my email...

...on the big screen...

...on the little screen...

...on stage...

...in schools...

...in translation...

...in stores...

...in art...

...in games...

...in sports...

...on vacation...

...in food...

...in song...

...as pets...

...hopefully NOT on your disks...

...on FidoNet...

...even on the net...

Anything to add? Mail me! (Yes, I've heard the Jack the Ripper stories. I've also heard the drug stories. AND the sex fiend stories. They're all not true.)

This Wonderland Site is owned by David Shaw

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