Normally one would think that there would be no major interest in something that amounts to looking at someone's old high school yearbooks and photo albums.
For some reason though, there is a strange but definite appeal to this. The photos were taken mostly in the early to mid-1970's and look it: the guys with their dinky little moustaches and long permed hair, the girls mostly braless with turn-up-at-the-edges Farrah Fawcett 'do's. I won't even get started on the clothing, except to say that they are suddenly in fashion again in 1997.
If you are looking for kitch, I suppose this qualifies, but that isn't the real appeal. This is by no means an "images of a bygone era" site. There is something strangely timeless about high school.
Then there is the Web Travel Review, with thousands of travel photos and stories by Mr. Greenspun and others.
One major highlight of the site is Travels With Samantha. Greenspun: "This book is about the summer I spent seeing North America, meeting North Americans, and trying to figure out how people live."
After I read it for the first time, I wrote in:
I just wanted to say thank you for all you have contributed to the net. Far more than the latest whatever from Microsoft or Netscape, Travels with Samantha is what the web was invented for.I haven't changed my opinion yet
The photo of Phil Greenspun and George was taken, and is copyrighted by Rebecca Schudlich, and is courtesy of Philip Greenspun.
I took the photo at the top of the page in Federal Hill Park in Baltimore
one freezing 2am morning, terrified of being mugged.
David Shaw <>